dahl studio

My name is Erik Dahl, and this is my studio. I work with companies to envision, create, and refine products and services that connect more meaningfully with people’s lives. To do this I work as a design anthropologist, strategist, interaction designer, prototyper, user experience designer, service designer and information architect...on everything from websites, applications, products, wearables, environments, and services. 

I’m an expert generalist, meaning I bring a unique blend of versatility and specialization making me invaluable in today’s rapidly evolving and interconnected world. Expert generalists are adept at synthesizing information from diverse fields, enabling me to approach problems with a holistic perspective and devise innovative solutions that specialists often overlook. My ability to adapt to different contexts and integrate insights from various domains fosters creativity and accelerates progress.

I’m a design bricoleur and I will meet you where you are. A designer as bricoleur is a creative problem-solver who skillfully combines diverse materials, tools, and ideas to craft innovative solutions. Embracing resourcefulness and ingenuity, I thrive on making the most of available resources, transforming constraints into opportunities for unique and impactful designs.

I'm an expert generalist.


Research is the cornerstone of my design practice, providing critical insights needed to create solutions that are not only innovative but also deeply aligned with your audience's needs and preferences.


Strategy is essential for my studio practice, guiding each project with a clear vision and purpose to ensure impactful and cohesive design solutions that achieve both business and user goals.

Info Arch (IA).

Through deep structural design, IA organizes content logically and intuitively, enhancing user experience and ensuring your audience can easily find and engage with the information they need.


Interaction Design and UI design make digital products come to life. At all stages of projects I strive to make designs concrete in order to accelerate decision making and de-risking assumptions.

Listen. Make. Test. Repeat.

My design practice follows a simple yet powerful approach: "Listen. Make. Test. Repeat." Research allows me to deeply understand both your and your customers’ context. A core principle is to make ideas concrete as soon as possible through modeling and prototyping. Through testing and evaluations I can accelerate confidence in decision making. I continue to iterate as we learn and grow towards the optimal implementable solution.



Studio Philosophy.

Ground understanding in cultural meaning and evidence.

Design is praxis, the practical application of theory.

Making is a form of thinking. 

Explore emerging technology through the principle of the most advanced yet acceptable (MAYA) solution.

Decenter corporations and humans by contextualizing life-centered design through systems and ecological thinking. 

Make space for play and exploration in design practice.

Promote and build relationships before transactions. 

Emotions are tied to embodied interactions. 

Lead from a place of compassion and kindness. 

Storytelling is at the heart of humane technology.


Contact Me

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly. I can’t wait to hear from you!